5 Ways to Make Your Influencer Strategy Go Viral
Everyone can agree that influencers play a significant role in modern marketing strategies. It’s next to impossible to use social media today and not encounter influencer marketing in some way or form. There are influencers everywhere, promoting everything from the newest snack foods to the hottest beauty lines.
From traditional posts to ever-green content, well-thought-out influencer strategy always find a way to go viral. While it’s true that working with influencers can help your company immensely, you’ll still have to face the typical obstacles associated with reaching new customers. From grabby headlines to heartfelt stories, crafting the perfect influencer strategy is no easy feat.
So, how to make a fantastic influencer strategy for becoming viral? To get you started, here are five pointers.
1. Recognize Who You’re Talking To
You need to know who you’re talking to before you can expect your campaign to go viral. The success of viral content depends on its ability to reach its intended audience. Before you launch your viral campaign, it’s a good idea to develop at least one marketing persona to represent your ideal audience.
Included will be details about their age, gender, ethnicity, and marital status, as well as their (content preferences). Once you and your team have a firm grasp on who you’re creating for and what they enjoy, you can begin developing content that has a far better chance of becoming viral.
2. Create Attention-Grabbing Titles
If you don’t know how to craft an attention-grabbing headline or interesting hooks, even if you have the most excellent stuff to share with viewers, it’s unlikely that your content will go viral. To those of you who have poured your soul into your work, this may seem unfair. But if you think about it, you’ll see it makes sense. People don’t want to waste their time reading something that doesn’t pique their interest in the headline.
Then, what are some tactics for making your headlines catch readers’ attention?
First of all, you need to include relevant search terms. These are the phrases that pique the curiosity of your target audience. They’re more likely to give it a shot if they think the material is personally relevant. You might also try using numbered headings. You can consider the article’s very own title as an illustration. The title likely conveys the idea that this would be beneficial for the intended audience.
3. An Appeal to the Heart
The success of any influencer marketing strategy hinges on the way it makes people feel. Emotionally engaging content is more likely to be shared and discussed. For this, you can consider a few social media updates that stuck out in your mind. Were you moved to joy, sadness, nostalgia, or wrath by them? You may associate a distinct emotion with any of the marketing initiatives that spring to mind. And you’ll need to do the same in your approach if you want your campaign to stick in people’s minds.
4. Share at Optimal Moments
If you want as many people as possible to see your content, you need to upload it at optimal times. In other words, you should schedule your social media posts such that they go live when your target demographic is most likely to be online. The best time to post will vary based on the social media platform and the habits and interests of your intended audience.
By running split tests across all of your social media sites and analyzing the data, you can discover your own personal peak times. Moreover, if your preferred social handle is Instagram, then you should read our related article on the “Right time to post on Instagram” to find the best optimal time.
5. Don’t Forget To Add Visuals 
Image credit: Recurpost
You’ve likely heard that using visual content in your marketing efforts is crucial in the modern era. Thus, your influencer marketing approach must make use of visual elements. Keep in mind that if your influencers aren’t well-known enough, how their content is, so hooking up with them is pointless.
You’ll also be amazed to know the fact that the highest-ever proportion of marketers (96%) value video as an ‘important part’ of their marketing strategy.
This article also pens down other interesting information; that’s Sehaye!
Using Sehaye(aka sayhi), brands and influencers can run seamless barter campaigns without middlemen. Brands can easily input their brief details, find and select influencers, exchange feedback, approve content, and analyze the results of a campaign all in one spot.
The same is valid for micro and nano influencers; they have access to various options and complete freedom to choose the brands with whom they want to work. It boosts their standing in the market and paves the way for more ambitious projects in the future.
Sehaye’s major goal is to lower the barrier to entry for influencer marketing, whether for firms with small marketing budgets or for emerging influencers in a small network.
In a Nutshell
In 2023, creating viral influencer campaigns is the best bet to make your brand successful. But this can only be possible with a well-thought-out strategy. So, when it comes to marketing, great influencer campaigns matter, and that’s something that Vavo Digital, one of India’s top influencer marketing agencies, knows all too well.
Want to know more about how to maximize the results of your brand’s influencer marketing campaigns by making them viral? Send an email to hello@vavodigital.com, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.