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B2B Brands that Aced Influencer Marketing

B2B Brands that Aced Influencer Marketing

The recall value of well-executed influencer marketing campaigns has been doing wonders. And that’s what has driven brands crazy over leveraging influencer marketing with their overall marketing strategies. Influencers have become a crucial part of marketing. 

To put it simply, influencer marketing has become a must for every brand, because today no campaign strategy is complete without it! Yes, we just said it! 

People have always been talking about how B2C brands are acing influencer marketing campaigns. But a few amongst those talk about B2B brands. Do B2B brands use influencer marketing as well? Yes, definitely!

Influencer marketing has widened its scope over the years. From small brands to established brands and B2C to B2B brands, everyone is ensuring a separate budget, especially for influencer marketing.

 Now, here are a few influencer marketing examples of B2B brands that have inspired a lot of people and gained immense attention from the audience.

So let’s look at these examples now, shall we?

1) Google Black-Owned Business

Earlier in 2021, Google launched its Black-owned business discovery feature. What was it exactly about?

Through this feature, Google aimed to offer ways to help businesses get support or support black-owned businesses.

But how did they promote it? We all know that influencers have a big part in the marketing industry. Hence, the answer is obvious! Google collaborated with many small business owners and even the National Basketball Association’s Superstar, Stephen Curry. And the results were impeccable as many people came forward in support of this initiative.

Apart from this, Google even denoted a visual heart over a three-striped orange background in its badge to denote Black-owned business! Again, influencers took a massive step by helping many businesses to thrive online and influenced the audience to share reviews about this program.

How amazing is this?

2) IBM

You will be surprised to know that IBM, International Business Machines, runs influencer marketing regularly. Umm., what? Yes, they run always-on influencer marketing, not by collaborating with external influencers, but their employees! No, we aren’t kidding!

Francesca Nicasio, a content marketer, said that since IBM has a diverse set of industries, it becomes difficult to find the perfect influencer that would fit the brand. So what did they do to overcome this problem? The answer lies right in front of you. They leveraged their employees as influencers!

No one knows your company better than your employees. And no one can advertise your company better than a dedicated employee. Don’t you agree with us?

Hence, IBM has been continually motivating its employees to market its products on social media to attract more customers.

How exciting it is to see brands incredibly executing influencer marketing.

3) Top Rank Marketing

To begin with, we would like you to know that TopRank Marketing is a B2B content-driven marketing agency helping many businesses to grow.

It came up with an influencer marketing campaign through which it aimed to create high-value ebooks on content marketing. And share the same with its target audience. Moreover, the agency even partnered with some of the top experts from LinkedIn, Facebook, and Copyblogger.

How did TopRank Marketing implement this campaign? The agency asked these experts to share their valuable advice on content marketing. And guess what happened next? The advice shared by an individual expert was turned into an ebook.

Wait, it doesn’t end here! The agency even collaborated with many other influencers. What was their role in this campaign? These influencers were supposed to be a part of long-form interviews, which were later published beside the e-books.

And the results? They were excellent!

20000+ views for the e-books

4000+ downloads for the e-books

1000+ leads

We don’t think we have seen a better collaboration than quality content and influencer marketing!

4) LiveHelpNow

LiveHelpNow, a B2B company, is a help desk software for live chat and customer service.

The company connected with multiple influencers to create collaborative campaigns, including a live webinar on the topic of customer experience.

For their live webinar campaign, they collaborated with some of the top professionals. And they even held a virtual summit, a one-day event, where they featured eight customer experience influencers over video conferences. The session went live on YouTube and hence the participants could ask all the queries related to customer service.

Apart from the webinar, the team even curated blog posts with each professional’s insights. The campaign generated higher engagement and even boosted website traffic. And it helped in increasing their brand awareness.

From global companies to small brands, everyone is executing and acing influencer marketing campaigns. Now, it’s time for you to take inspiration from these examples and start crafting your influencer marketing campaigns. 

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