An influencer marketing platform that connects brands with 20+ categories of social media influencers across 3 social networking platforms in India.

Brand influencer

How To Find A Brand Influencer To Promote Your Business 

Finding the best influencer for your brand being a newbie entrepreneur or new business owner is one of the most difficult tasks in today’s world.

Even though you are an established business owner, still you can face difficulties in selecting the best one. Sometimes you get tricked too.

Sehaye helps to communicate and collaborate with influencers and brands easily. 

Don’t worry if you need to find the best influencer for your brand. We are here to solve your problem.

In today’s article, we are going to cover all important details regarding this topic.

What is a “Brand influencer”?

First of all, we need to know what the “influencer” term means: A brand influencer is an individual who has a strong follower base within a certain industry as per your business requirements and does brand promotions and needed content strategies.

A brand influencer is also a kind of brand ambassador. You know some famous brand ambassadors. Brand influencers can be any individual including celebrities, social media stars, and even brand employees. 

All we know is brand influencers help to boost brand identity. If you want to become a brand influencer then you need to take small steps to be a popular face. However, all it takes is knowledge and creativity/marketing strategy. 

Ways to find the best influencer for your brand 

Brand influencer marketing strategy is one of the best-proven outcomes strategies to promote your business and products. 

To find the ways to select the best influencer for your brand, let’s dive into the blog: 

In this blog, you will learn the ways to find the best brand influencer. 

1. Social media search

One of the famous ways to find influencers for your brand is through social media searches. You can find influencers through various social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and many more.

Just type your industry keyword on the search bar and you can see some individuals related to that niche. You can go through those profiles and measure the follower count and other criteria as per your requirements.

Find the best two, or three best people and try to approach them.

2. Hashtag techniques

Hashtags have become an irreplaceable part of social media platforms. You just need to use the proper hashtag to find the best influencer for your brand.

Let’s take an example. You open your Instagram having a thought to find the best influencer. Type the recent popular hashtag related to your niche and Industry. 

Some photos, reels, and accounts pop up on the screen. You can use those profiles and compare them as per the metrics and find the best influencer for your brand.

You can use the same technique on other social media platforms.

3. Through industry events and conferences

Influencers work online, it is true but they also attend many events and conferences to sometimes promote brands and other times as a general gathering.

You can find your best influencer by attending these parties and events. If you don’t have that much budget you can normally notice who are the speakers at that particular event because people hire influencers as a speakers at their events.

You can find the best people for promoting your business, now it is the time to connect with them.

4. Product gifting

You can gift your products free of cost to your selected people on the list of best influencers. This is a proven technique to find the best influencer.

Product gifting is the first step to finding the best influencer for your brand. It is a process of sending products free of cost so that influencers can use those products and in exchange, they can contact you with authentic content to promote your business.

5. Influencer marketing platforms

You are not in the mood to do any hardships to find the best influencer for your brand, no worry, here is one more technique. 

There are many influencer marketing platforms available in the market. You can easily find the best influencer by using these platforms.

They do your all work related to influencer marketing, you need to give them a small part of your money.

Wrapping it up

When everyone is trying to prove they are an influencer and you are stuck between a fake and a true influencer, it becomes troublesome to select who is the best choice for your brand but we are one hundred percent assure that after reading this article now you won’t face any difficulty to find the best influencer for your brand.

Be a brand influencer and use the strategies to grow the brand identity among users. 

Vavo Digital assists you with all marketing plans and helps to build strong marketing campaigns. If you have any queries then contact us at

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