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Instagram Engagement

6 Working Tips To Boost Your Instagram Engagement As An Influencer

You’ve probably thought about how to increase your Instagram engagement, whether you’re a social media influencer, marketer, company owner, or you just want to build your online personal profile. 

Yes, there is the time-tested strategy of speaking honestly and openly with followers, but let’s be real. There is never enough time for this, and there is no guarantee that it will work at all given Instagram’s extremely complex algorithm.

Engagement is the apex for Instagram marketers and influencers. As the platform develops and more users like, follow, share, and tag other users, it will become simpler for potential customers to locate your business. 

Numerous small businesses, such as retro clothes boutiques, coffee shops, and make-up artists, as well as well-known celebrities, have prospered by skillfully connecting with their Instagram followers. To know more about it, read 6 effective ways to collaborate with influencers.

What constitutes a decent Instagram engagement rate?

Our 2023 Social Media Industry Benchmark Report states that Instagram’s total median engagement rate is 0.47%. All sectors, including the hospitality, nonprofit, and food and beverage businesses, are subject to this median rate.

The engagement rates for top-performing firms on Instagram are considerably greater. According to our study, the top 25% of businesses’ total median engagement rate on Instagram is 1.05%. 

Consequently, while 1.05% or greater is seen as a strong engagement rate on Instagram for firms who want to strive higher, the general median engagement rate is 0.47%.

You can use Sehaye to collaborate easily and communicate effectively. 

How to boost your Instagram engagement?

  1. Provide Prompts or Calls to Action at the end of your captions 

One of the best ways to do so is to give them a reason to interact with your goods or services. Use the space in your captions to provide a recommendation or a call to action for your followers that will promote conversation. You may ask them questions, give them specific directions, or invite them to comment. 

  1. Create Content that is Valuable and Savable 

On Instagram, saving and sharing are two of the most beneficial forms of interaction. On your Instagram account, provide value to attract these special interactions. Make the kind of content that consumers will want to refer to time and time again and share with their friends. 

Since they offer useful information, educational images are ideally the greatest approach to encourage users to click the “Save” button. If you want to increase engagement even further, you might make your infographic into a carousel article that readers can swipe through to continue learning. In contrast to videos (1.45%) and standard picture postings (1.74%), carousels actually have a substantially higher engagement rate per post (1.92%).

  1. Involve more video content

The Instagram Reels feature has been immensely popular among users since its release in 2020. Reels really receive a lot more attention than typical video material, with an average engagement rate of 22%. Additionally, if they notice a high interaction rate, Instagram attempts to give Reels from both tiny and larger accounts similar prominence. Therefore, you must utilize Reels if you want to increase your Instagram interaction.  

  1. Give a response on time

Responding to comments is one of the simplest methods to increase engagement. There can be a lot of inquiries regarding your items and content in the comments area. When it comes to content creators, there can be inquiries about your attire or the source of an item you mentioned in a post. In the case of brands, the comments area could also include some grievances or inquiries for help. Utilize this chance to interact with your followers by answering their comments and offering a solution.

  1. Plan Your Posts to Go Live at the Best Times

One of the most crucial elements that affect your engagement rate is timing. Therefore it’s so important to get your timing right and share your posts at a time when your followers are most likely to engage. In order to determine when your followers are most active, it is crucial to review your profile analytics data. 

  1. Create content in a creative and aesthetic manner

On Instagram, visuals are essential; they establish a user’s initial impression. Instagram users desire beautiful images on their feeds. They must be confident in your ability to regularly provide top-notch visual material if they are going to follow you and contribute to increasing your Instagram engagement rate.

Wrapping Up

Utilize what has been shown to be effective for your company while experimenting with various post kinds to increase engagement on Instagram. You’ll soon be on your way to achieving fantastic engagement rates on Instagram as long as you keep measuring and evaluating what your audience is interacting with.

Vavo Digital provides thorough assistance with influencer marketing campaigns. Vavo Digital is prepared to be your trusted partner at every stage, helping you with everything from finding the best influencers to other aspects! Want to know more? Please email us at, and we’ll get back to you right away.

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