An influencer marketing platform that connects brands with 20+ categories of social media influencers across 3 social networking platforms in India.

Instagram Paid Partnership – In relation to Influencer Marketing

Firstly, let’s get the definition drilled in; When you notice an influencer’s post, and then you see “Paid Partnership with…” above the post in feed or story, it means that the person who shared it has a business relationship/ association with the brand mentioned, and that they were compensated for the post in monetary/ barter terms. In short, Paid Partnership is simply a new term for an ‘influencer post’. It’s just what Instagram calls it.

Why are brands so keen on this instagram tool? 

Simply because they get access to the performance insights! For Instagram Stories, tagged business partners will have a 14-day window to see the following metrics: reach, taps forward, taps backward, replies and exits. Although, creators will continue to see metrics in their app insights. 

Also, if you’re setting up a partnership, this gives your brand more exposure both through your brand’s page and your creators than you would receive through regular traffic and hashtag navigation. 

Now the question arises, how do you get paid with a partnership on instagram? Afterall, *playing apna sapna money money money*

First, a business owner needs to be approved by Instagram as a partner. Once you’ve been given that feature, start by accessing Business Settings and scroll down to Branded Content Approvals. Turn on the “Require Approvals” switch, and from there you’ll be able to approve influencers as business partners.

One of the common questions asked is, if you turn off ‘Require Approvals’, what happens if a creator I haven’t paid, tags me as a Paid Partnership?

There’s no chance that they would, considering the fact that you can now access all of their performance insights! But if at all it does occur, you’ll get a notification. Tap on it and simply untag yourself from their post via the Instagram app. Click the three dots on the right hand side above the post and then select the ‘remove’ option.

Planning an influencer marketing campaign is easy and much easier to waste a lot of money on posts that don’t bring you any traffic. So what mistakes should you avoid when you set up an Instagram paid partnership?

First rule, don’t go for any influencer marketing campaign without a plan. Ask yourself what you want to achieve and what you’re expecting to achieve with this marketing idea. Setting up a plan and having an objective in mind will keep you from making simple and silly but costly mistakes. 

Be smart about who you choose to partner with. Choosing influencers that don’t align with your brand will just end up costing you money. Working with micro-influencers that hang out in your niche rather than macro-influencers and celebrities that might not really know or like your brand will help you create more effective advertisements and more authentic engagement. 

Instagram is a platform used by brands to find some great influencers to partner with. Using the Instagram paid partnership tool can help you whether you’re trying to build a media empire or just bring some new organic traffic to your website.

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