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LinkedIn hacks

6 LinkedIn Hacks That Will Boost Your Profile Views

One of the best social networks for B2B companies is LinkedIn. It is also regarded as the largest professional community, with over 800 million members globally. But with so much competition, how can one differentiate themselves and climb the LinkedIn ranks? Your LinkedIn profile’s SEO optimization is the answer. It will assist you in rising to the top of the platform’s and Google’s search results.

LinkedIn is the most reliable source of content, generating over 50% of social traffic to business-to-business websites. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that 98% of content marketers utilize LinkedIn, particularly for lead generation and B2B marketing.

Roughly 9 billion impressions are made on information on the LinkedIn feed every week, yet only 3 million users—out of over 500 million—share content on a weekly basis. This indicates that just 1% of LinkedIn’s 260 million monthly users—roughly 3 million users—share content and that 1% of users receive 9 billion impressions.

For this reason, every professional should prioritize developing a likable LinkedIn profile. But hold on, things might become complicated if you don’t have a list of dos and don’ts for creating the greatest possible LinkedIn profile. I’d like to welcome you and provide some helpful advice on how to make the most out of your LinkedIn profile.

Use Sehaye if you’re seeking simple methods for your LinkedIn profile. Sehaye offers a wide variety of strategies and tactics to assist you increase your profile. 

Meanwhile, let’s dive into the 6 LinkedIn hacks to boost your profile views:

  1. Discover the LinkedIn keywords that work the best for you – 

For you, maintaining visibility in LinkedIn searches may be as simple as playing a few words: keyword optimization. Determine the keywords that will assist you in getting more attention. There is much room on your LinkedIn profile for you to include pertinent keywords.

  1. Strikingly Grow Your Network-

It may be time to examine your email contacts if your LinkedIn network is just one-fourth the size of your Facebook connections. Additionally, it’s the ideal social networking site for interacting with coworkers while preserving some degree of work-life balance. “[LinkedIn search results] elevate results for connections within a network (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd level connections, groups),” says businessman Rick Stomphorst. As a result, you should maintain as many connections as you can.

  1. Give yourself a wonderful summary of your LinkedIn profile – 

As of right now, LinkedIn’s summary part has a 2000-character restriction (the highest of any area), therefore you should always aim to stuff it full of as many keywords as possible. Make sure you maintain your reputation of crafting a fantastic profile summary even after expanding it to become your headline. Here, you will emphasize your professional accomplishments, background, thought leadership, and awards. You may choose between first-person and third-person narrative styles.

LinkedIn provides an additional option to link to your previous work through its summary section. Bloggers and marketers can submit articles or presentations to highlight their successes and accolades.

  1. Always keep your profile up to date! – 

Provide a complete overview of the most recent information in your business LinkedIn profile. * Your current phone number, email address, Twitter handle, company website, and all other pertinent information should always be included. Your chances of connecting with recruiters will rise if you include additional information.

  1. Seize the Moment Headline – 

You are out of the game if it appears that you do not have the correct cards. Remember, first impressions are lasting.  Make sure your headlines are compelling enough for your readers while optimizing them for LinkedIn. Don’t go overboard though. Your professional LinkedIn profile should be reflected in your headline. Your headlines will really set the stage for subsequent material, such as summaries and other crucial information. 

  1. Begin Getting Endorsements – 

A wonderful technique to identify the capabilities of your relationships and have them affirm your own abilities and strengths is through talent endorsements. Endorsements strengthen your profile and aid in maintaining network connections. Endorsements enhance the total worth of your professional profile, even if they might not be as significant as other profile components.


While every textual or media element of your profile should be optimized for search, you shouldn’t appear to be a bot. Therefore, it is evident that using a ton of hashtags and other weird phrases won’t help.

Spend some time researching keywords beforehand. Even if you lack SEO expertise, there are digital solutions available to assist you in doing it swiftly. Make careful use of these keywords in the headline and any other text-containing sections.

Write engaging content, especially for the “about” section. Engage in conversation, offer your opinions and areas of knowledge, and leave comments on postings by other experts in your field.

Vavo Digital assists you in making the most of your marketing plan. Write to  if you’re interested in such tactics and material. 

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