An influencer marketing platform that connects brands with 20+ categories of social media influencers across 3 social networking platforms in India.

Email templates for influencer outreach

5 Influencer Marketing Email Templates That Work

Influencer marketing has become a powerful tool in the digital marketing world. Email templates are an effective way to reach out to influencers and establish relationships.

However, getting in touch with an influencer who hasn’t heard of your company or used your products can be difficult.

That’s why it’s so important to level up with a proven pitching strategy. 

Not sure how to make your messages effective or nail influencer outreach? We have your back!

Here are 5 email templates to get your influencer collaborations off to a good start.

Introductory Email

The introductory email template is the first step in establishing a relationship with an influencer. This template should be used to introduce the brand and its products and explain why the influencer is a good fit for the campaign. This template should also include contact information and any additional information the influencers outreach might need.

The introductory email template should be concise and to the point. It should also be tailored to the individual influencer, as this will help establish a personal connection and increase the chances of a successful relationship.



[YOUR NAME] here, and I work at [BRAND]. I recently discovered your content and think it’s fantastic because[THING YOU APPRECIATE ABOUT THEIR CONTENT]. Because you match our [AESTHETIC, TONE, VALUES, ETC.], I believe you could be a great partner for [BRAND]. If you’re interested, let’s schedule a conversation this week.

I eagerly await your response,


2. Offer Email

The offer email template is used to make a specific offer to an influencer. This template should include all the details of the offer, including the product or service being offered, the compensation, and any other relevant information. This template should also include a call-to-action that encourages the influencer to accept the offer.

The offer email template should be clear and concise. It should also be tailored to the individual influencer, as this will help establish a personal connection and increase the chances of a successful relationship.



[YOUR NAME] here, and I work at [BRAND].

[MUTUAL ACQUAINTANCE’S NAME] informed me that they believe you’d be an excellent fit for [BRAND’S] influencer marketing programme for [REASON].

I really like your [TOPIC] content and believe it would be a great opportunity for us to collaborate.

If you’re interested in collaborating, let’s set up a time to talk this week.

I eagerly await your response,


Influencer marketing can help brands reach and engage with their target audience in a more authentic and relatable way, Read: 6 Solid Tips To Get Results From Your Influencer Marketing Campaigns

3. Follow-Up Email

The follow-up email template is used to follow up with an influencer after a previous email. This template should include a summary of the previous email, as well as any additional information the influencer might need. This template should also include a call-to-action that encourages the influencer to respond.

The follow-up email template should be concise and to the point. It should also be tailored to the individual influencer, as this will help establish a personal connection and increase the chances of a successful relationship.



I hope everything is going well for you. I contacted you about [A PARTNERSHIP, SENDING PRODUCTS, AN EVENT INVITE, ETC.] a few days ago and wanted to follow up.

If you’re interested, I’d be happy to arrange a phone call. Please let me know when you’re available.



4. “Event Invite” influencer outreach template

An excellent method to generate buzz for an event is to invite creators to attend and write posts about it. These collaborations can encourage more people to attend, whether it’s working with a makeup artist to preview their look for the event beforehand or a creator sharing why they’re so excited to go. The attention of your influencers can also be attracted with the help of an invitation. After all, sharing photos and videos from high-end events would be fantastic for their Instagram feed.

These gatherings can draw influencers, which is why these templates for Instagram influencer outreach are so effective.



[YOUR NAME] here, and I work at [BRAND]. I just discovered your content and think it’s fantastic because [THING YOU LOVE ABOUT THEIR CONTENT].

On [DATE], [BRAND] is hosting an exclusive event called [DESCRIPTION OF EVENT].

We would love for you to attend and post about it so that your followers can learn more.

If you’re interested, let’s set up a time to talk this week.

I eagerly await your response,


5. The Free Sample

Brands frequently provide free products to influencers in exchange for promoting them to their fan base.

Here’s a template that can work if you’re looking to do the same!


Hello [Name],

[Name] from [Company] here. I saw your post about our product, [product], the other day. I really appreciate your wonderful feedback, and I am thrilled that you are a fan!

Indeed, because you are so enthusiastic about our products, I wanted to provide you with a free sample of our upcoming [product].

Please let me know where I can send it if you’re interested!

Best wishes,


Ready to Nail Your Influencer Outreach?

These templates are designed to help brands and influencers find common ground and build lasting relationships with the help of influencer marketing. They can be used to create personalized email that are tailored to the individual influencer’s needs and interests. 

We hope our samples and best practices can be of assistance!  Again, keep in mind which platform you’re using to connect with potential influencers. Pitching in the right format and with the right details will result in responses.

Do you need assistance connecting with the right influencers for your brand? As one of the leading influencer marketing agencies in India, Vavo Digital can certainly help you in this matter.  Mail us your requirement at and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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