5 Proven Ways To Grow Your Business With Performance-Based Influencer Marketing
Online businesses have started to take over the offline markets in many corners of the world. Influencer marketing is a rapidly expanding approach that innovative business owners and executives are using. Just collaborating with a brand or person of importance who has a sizable fan base will enable you to attract new clients and leads for your company. Although more and more brands use influencers instead of traditional advertisements to reach their target audiences, it has become more and more challenging to link influencer engagement directly to increases in sales and brand growth. Use these 6 solid ways to scale a business through influencer marketing.
Customers nowadays are highly influenced by celebrities and influencers who they continuously see on Instagram, Facebook, snap chat, and such social media apps.
So it becomes necessary that you have your products in their hands as soon as possible.
As per research and trends are seen, it is said that brands that prefer to collaborate have a bombarding return of 18$ per 1$ spent. It is a huge amount of profit for any firm in one product.
Sehaye can be the bridging link between you and the right influencer. It cuts short the time required to crack deals with its competent qualities. It will show you the influencers that have high chances of collaboration with success just for you.
Here we are making your work easier by listing the 5 proven pathways of growing as a business with performance-based influencer marketing.
1. Choosing A Platform That Accommodates Most Of Your Audience
You have to be aware of the likes and dislikes of your target audience. Without which you cannot grow? Their preferences and fondness towards which platform is your concern.
You can simultaneously be on several platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, and many more. But each platform works differently when it comes to marketing.
The influencers can be variable and for that influencer, management is mostly required.
Constant use of social media and observing their influencers makes the viewers bound to be like them. They watch it to find new products and styles.
2. Being Relevant
Being picky is also good in a vast business of brand making. You should never hire influencers just because they are famous or have a large audience base.
The target audience is what matters. If they are attracted to your product genuinely, then only they can work better on the content creation of your product.
Otherwise, the money invested in influencers who are nowhere connected to your niche is a waste of investment.
Such as fashion and finance are two different grounds. One influencer with fashion potential cannot promote a finance scheme to their audience. Even if they do, it doesn’t hold any record of importance to the audience.
3. Solid Content Strategy
Source: No Good
Video marketing runs much better than mere posting. It has a lot of potential to reach millions altogether.
But there is an art of video making and editing. Your brand video should not be self-centering or blabbering about how great your product is or how much profit you have made since established. That’s good but not interesting to the common man.
A common man wants to hear stories.
Storytelling in a typical way of how using your product brought some difference in others’ life is more effective.
For instance, Speaking about fashion sense, how your ideas of doing it yourself helped a lady to seek her problem of choosing office clothes. How she is more organized with her office clothes? These are the common ways you can address this.
Hiring micro-influencers can help you reach the households of every corner of the country without much effort.
4. To Lure Your Creators With Amazing Deals
Never expect that a one-budget for all formula will ever work here. There are a lot of variables existing.
Some influencers can be serious about your product while some may not be. Putting up the wrong hashtag and call to action brings confusion to the audience. They have a habit of forgetting easily.
So it’s necessary to have a compelling partnership offer for your influencer. A good revenue share of 40-50 percent for high-grossing influencers than the micro ones, tends to lure them better.
For instance, Lakme, a beauty brand invites influencers to showcase their brand importance and popularity by giving the new generations influencers the opportunity to walk the ramp with their best designers and celebrities.
At the Lakme launch, it provides free product use to all the invitees. They also explain how the product was prepared. This proves beneficial to the brand as in turn, the influencer will have to buy your product if it’s really good and promote it.
5. Budgeting And Management Plans
Never expect that a one-budget for all formula will ever work here. There are a lot of variables existing.
Some influencers can be serious about your product while some may not be. Putting up the wrong hashtag and call to action brings confusion to the audience. They have a habit of forgetting easily.
So it’s necessary to have a long-lasting expression on influencers too.
For instance, getting ready to attend a Lakme launch.
At the launch, Lakme provides free product use to all the invitees. They also explained how the product was prepared. This proves beneficial to the brand as in turn, the influencer will have to buy your product if it’s really good and promote it.
Influencer marketing can be tough without a guiding hand. Vavo Digital helps you with Influencer marketing campaigns and lends you that support in posting, scheduling, keeping track of records, and by selecting all types of influencers under one roof.
Still, having unsolved queries? hello@vavodigital.com is open 24/7. Drop your doubts here and we will be right back to you with solutions.