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podcast marketing

Everything You Need to Know About Podcast Marketing in 2022

What is Podcast Marketing? 

For any business, marketing is essential in motivating the target audience to take the required action, whether engaging with the brand or purchasing a product or service. While there are numerous ways to market your brand, there is a HUGE possibility in the online space right now to use a podcast for this purpose. 

Simply put, podcast marketing is the process of promoting your brand, goods, or services through audio material production and sharing. You distribute free audio content to listeners to persuade them to purchase your goods or services, enabling them to recognize your value as a brand. 

Let’s establish some context to demonstrate why podcast marketing is a channel you should be investing in right now:

In India, the number of listeners increased from under four million in 2016 to a projected 90 million in 2022

According to PwC’s Global Entertainment & Media Outlook 2020, India is the third largest consumer of podcasts, with 57.6 million monthly listeners (after the United States and China). 

Anchor, Spotify’s podcast hosting tool, hosts approximately 40,000 shows from India, with more than half of those debuting in 2020. 

Approximately 54% of podcast listeners stated they are much more likely to consider purchasing from a brand after hearing an advertisement for that brand on a podcast (eMarketer, 2019).  

These podcast marketing statistics indicate that more and more people are now relying on podcasts for information and trusted recommendations on what to spend their money on. Thus, there is no better time to enter the podcast industry than now. 

Benefits of Podcast Marketing 

Before we dive into how to market your business using a podcast, let’s first take a look at the advantages of this approach: 

Establish a Solid Connection 

Although podcasting is not the best way to grow your audience, it certainly is an excellent way to connect with the listeners you already do have. When the listeners tune in regularly, they will start to look past the brand and see the values and people behind it. 

Greater Sense of Authority 

When others listen to you, implement your advice, and learn from you, you naturally exert authority over them. This raises your chance of persuading them to take the necessary action (such as purchasing your goods) and recognize the value you offer.

More Traffic 

You can increase traffic to your website or specific landing pages by directing the listeners of your podcasts to visit those pages and learn more about what you were discussing. 

Advertising Revenue 

What’s great about podcast marketing is that even if you cultivate a customer base that rejects or isn’t a good fit for your offering, they will still be a good fit for another. As a result, you can approach them and demand money from them to attract your audience’s attention and earn money from advertising.

7 Podcast Marketing Strategies to Implement 

  1. Create Good Content 

There are more than 850,000 podcasts already, so it’s a competitive space. It would help if you produced excellent podcasts and effectively marketed them to expand your audience and reach. What, though, goes into producing high-quality content?

  • Equipment. At the very least, we recommend investing in a good microphone, editing software, and call recording software (for guests). 
  • Storytelling. Stories elicit biological responses in our brains, which fosters empathy for the storyteller. Additionally, stories are more memorable and meaningful. 
  • CTA. Use a strong call to action to instruct your listeners on what they should do next. This facilitates their progression through your marketing funnel. 

While many more factors go into making a great podcast episode, these three points will help get you started.

  1. Carefully craft your titles and descriptions. 

The first thing your potential listeners will notice is the title and description of your podcast, which will determine whether or not they will be interested in it. Your podcast’s title should give listeners a general idea of its topic. Then you can elaborate on the content listeners should expect in your podcast description. 

Aside from that, giving each episode a title and description is essential. Several podcasts list the episode number in the title of each episode. This conveys nothing about the topics the episode will address.

  1. Schedule Relevant Guests 

Your audience will undoubtedly want to hear from other experts, no matter how charismatic you are. You may invite relevant guests if it makes sense for your podcast. 

If the guest shares the episode with their audience, this increases trust and social proof and might provide access to their audience. 

As your podcast grows in popularity, you’ll be able to interview more prominent people, providing your listeners access to their knowledge and your guests access to your audience.

  1. Appearances on Other Podcasts 

Making guest appearances on other podcasts is equally as important as hosting guests on your podcast. You can connect with a new audience and build your credibility through partnerships with other thought leaders, professionals, and influencers.

Don’t simply wait for others to approach you. Find podcasts whose listeners overlap with yours and pitch topics you can cover for their audience. In your pitch, also be sure to include other ways you feel like you can benefit their audience. 

  1. Optimize your Podcast with SEO Practices 

The titles and descriptions of your podcast and website should be search engine friendly. Optimizing your podcast episode titles and descriptions to contain the keywords your target audience will likely use when looking for the information you’re discussing is one of the simplest methods to handle podcast SEO.

  1. Promote on Social Media Networks 

Depending on your show’s subject matter, some social media platforms might be better than others, but it doesn’t hurt to try out a couple to see which works best. Use social media to share new podcast episodes, announcements, relevant information for the series, find out more about your audience, etc. The information you share should engage your followers and pique their interests. 

Two types of materials are excellent for social media sharing: 

Audiograms: Audiograms are a visual way to share audio excerpts from your podcast with your audience.

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Quote Graphics: Quote graphics are static representations of intriguing quotes from your podcast episode that you build into a visually appealing graphic. Ensure the design adheres to your series’s branding for audiograms and quotation graphics.

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  1. Leverage Influencer Marketing and Partnerships 

Influencer marketing pushes your podcast to new, related audiences by utilizing influencers. Find an influencer whose audience overlaps with your target demographic and get in touch with them. You can also connect with other brands to form partnerships and collaborations.

Wrapping Up 

This podcast marketing guide will assist you in taking your podcast from inception to must-listen status. The practice of testing, adjusting, and analyzing should always be considered while thinking about podcast marketing. Working with Vavo Digital can help you reach the right audience quicker. We can help you grow your podcast to be bigger and better and assist you in designing your media campaign for podcast advertising. Please schedule a consultation with us today! 

Note: All images used are for descriptive purposes only; original rights belong to the owner.

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