An influencer marketing platform that connects brands with 20+ categories of social media influencers across 3 social networking platforms in India.

8 Influencer marketing strategies to boost sales

8 Proven Influencer Marketing Strategies To Boost Sales

Online markets and retailers are facing more competition than ever. Many offline retailers have chosen online platforms amid the epidemic to adapt to the situation. As a result, firms and their marketing specialists have devised fresh marketing tactics. Social commerce is among those successful tactics. The eCommerce Umbrella includes it. Influencer marketing paired with social commerce is quite effective. Many brands have seen extremely high conversion rates. Deepika Padukone and Sabhyasachi’s cooperation was one such widely publicized one. Sabyasachi used Deepika’s following and brand recognition to boost visitors to their website. This is why influencer commerce is growing.

Why boost sales with Influencer marketing?

Influencer marketing is a sort of advertising where a celebrity, thought leader or influencer is employed to sell your products and services to a larger audience. These influencers frequently have a following on social media and have the power to affect the choices of their followers. Simply put, influencer marketing commerce is when this strategy is used by any agencies or brands

Although the concept of influencer marketing has its roots in the digital world, companies and brands have long used celebrities to increase the appeal of their products and services to their target markets. Humans are sociable beings that want acceptance from others. Influencer marketing is displacing conventional word-of-mouth in the increasingly digital environment. Customers seek the advice of trusted sources both online and offline while making purchases.

You can use LinkedIn influencer marketing too which is growing rapidly these days

The market for LinkedIn influencer marketing is also largely untapped. How frequently do B2B influencers advertise products on LinkedIn? It does occur, but not to the same extent as on Instagram.  We will reach saturation in a few years if those platforms are any indication. The time to participate is now, as with any new marketing fad. To Know more about it, read: LinkedIn Influencer Marketing: Does your brand needs LinkedIn Influencers?

Some of the best ways to employ influencers to boost sales for your brands/agencies

1) Study the influencer’s audience well-

An audience study will demonstrate the depth of a creator’s interaction with their fans. Many creators have enthusiastic audiences that participate in as many postings as possible, but others have followers who are relatively disinterested in the creator’s content.

You can make better selections about who to invite into your program if you have a better grasp of an influencer’s follower base. Furthermore, you can forecast campaign ROI depending on the quality of a creator’s relationship with their followers.

2) Collaborate with Influencers for Giveaways and Contests-

Giveaways and competitions on social media are excellent methods to entice new clients and encourage them to interact with your business.

You may either organize a giveaway with another company in a way that benefits both parties or develop a contest and encourage influencers to publicize it.

3) Provide Influencers with Unique Discount Codes-

A more direct and prompt approach to driving sales. All you have to do is simply give each influencer their exclusive discount code so they may distribute it to their audience. The fans of influencers who provide exclusive discounts feel special because they believe they are the only ones who can benefit from them.

4) Ask Influencers to Use Campaign-Specific Hashtags-

On social media, hashtags are useful tools for contacting unique and new audiences. And using hashtags tailored to a particular campaign is one of the strongest strategies that successful businesses adopt.

Introducing a fresh product? Make a hashtag to advertise it. Doing a Christmas influencer marketing campaign on social media? Use a hashtag unique to the campaign. Influencers should utilize your customized, campaign-specific hashtag when creating content that promotes your campaign. All of your campaign-related content will be arranged in this way, and if your campaign has enough influencers, your hashtag may start trending, which would enhance the campaign’s outcomes.

This influencer marketing tactic aids in building buzz and interest in the newest products and collections, which motivates more people to make purchases and boosts sales.

5) Ask Social Media Influencers to Create Shoppable Posts and Stories-

Paying influencers to produce sponsored social media content and utilizing the shopping tools on each platform are the two most straightforward ways to achieve sales. Numerous business-friendly features on social media sites like Instagram and Facebook might help you increase revenue. For instance, Instagram allows users to publish posts with the ability to tag items, display their pricing, and link to the post to make a purchase.

Request from influencers the creation of such posts so that viewers may purchase the items immediately by clicking the post. They might also develop stories that include “Shop Now” or other calls to action to increase sales. This is one of the finest strategies to leverage influencers to boost sales for your company.

6) Sponsored Ads Using influencers

Influencers generate Instagram-sponsored content posts to promote a specific brand or business in exchange for remuneration such as money, items, or services. All branded content postings include the designation “Paid Partnership with [name of company/brand]” under the influencer’s Instagram account, making them immediately identifiable. Another benefit of sponsored ad posts is that with the help of Facebook’s ad platform’s tools, businesses can now target particular audiences, say if the business wants to target Bangalore people in the age group of 18-25, it can easily be done through sponsored posts. This is going to be really helpful in specific targeting and one can easily track performance.

7) Long-term collaboration with Influencers for the win-

 A lasting partnership will be more time-consuming and require that extra effort – but, the rewards are worth it. By making them your brand ambassadors and using/ posting content over some time rather than just minimal deliverables. Eg: Blissclub.

8) Start an Affiliate Program and Enroll Influencers-

This is a fantastic alternative for you if you desire a long-term partnership with influencers that frequently assist you in generating sales. Invite the people who have the most influence to sign up for your affiliate program so they can receive commissions for each sale they generate for your business. The influencers will be more driven to promote your company if they share in the earnings, thus this is a terrific incentive for them.

So, if you don’t already have an affiliate program, now is the time to think about launching one and inviting the top influencers in your market to participate. The utilization of influencers to boost sales for your company is a long-term approach.


Influencers have a dedicated and engaged audience that you may reach by partnering with them on product marketing. Try one or more of the eight tactics listed above to leverage influencers to promote sales for your company.

Need some help running a successful influencer marketing campaign?

Reach out to our team and get a consultation on the best way to leverage influencers to drive sales and grow your brand.

NOTE: All images used are for descriptive purposes only, all rights belong to the owner

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